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December 11

The Peace Child 

Text: Isaiah 53:4-5 

Most of us have heard the story about the Peace Child. A book was written about it called (you guessed it) Peace Child. Don Richardson was called to preach the gospel to the Sawi tribe, who were among other things, one of the last cannibalistic tribes on the earth. As the story goes, a war broke out between the Sawi people and another tribe. Lots of bloodshed. Don was concerned for the safety of his family. He went to the chief of the Sawi tribe and told him that unless this war ceased he would leave, taking his family, his resources and the lifesaving medicine away. The chief was distraught by this possibility. He decided to do something unprecedented. He offered his child to a warring tribe as a way to secure peace. The agreement was that as long as the child is alive, no war can occur between the tribes. The act stopped the war and brought peace. 

Now as incredible as this story is, this sacrificial act only saved two tribes. Imagine what it would take to save the world. The Godhead figured out an answer. God the Son would clothe Himself with humanity, becoming a human, live among us and ultimately die in our place. Isaiah told us this child would come and suffer in our place. 

Surely he has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows; yet we esteemed him stricken, smitten by God, and afflicted. But he was pierced for our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with his wounds we are healed. (Isaiah 53:4-5)

I often wonder how much Mary knew. How much did she understand? Did she think it was a metaphor? It wasn’t. Her baby will be pierced by a Roman sword. Her baby, who was innocent, would endure the wrath of God the Father for her and for the whole world. 

The Peace Child is what Christmas is really about. If you need to reconcile with someone, think of the Peace Child. If you need to forgive someone, think of the Peace Child. If you need to help warring families to get along, think of the Peace Child. Christmas is coming.