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If you follow me on social media, you know my son is obsessed with fishing. I sometimes wonder if he loves fishing more than he loves me. This conversation happened on one of our fishing trips.


Oaks: “Dad?” 

Me: “Yes?” 

Oaks: “I want to fish for a living. I hope that is God’s will for my life.” 

Me: “Well, buddy—it could be. But it also might not be.”

Oaks: “But why not? Fishing is better than other jobs.” 

Me: “I am not saying it is not a good job. I am simply saying I am not sure that is God’s will. But it certainly might be.” 

Oaks: “Okay, but how do I know? I mean, I am pretty good at fishing.”

Me (chuckling): I know you are, Son. But just because you are good at something doesn’t automatically mean that is God’s will for your life.” 

Oaks: “So how do you know?” 

Me: “Great question. Let me try and explain.”


This question is not uncommon. Especially with this generation. I think there are a lot of reasons why people cannot figure out God’s will. One reason is there are so many options in 2024. In  the pre-1950’s world, you had only three or four options. Now there are endless options. I mean, our consumeristic society floods us with too many options regularly. In the book, Paradise of Choice, Barry Schwartz states, 

“I went to a local grocery store and I found 285 varieties of cookies, 13 sports drinks, 65 box drinks, 85 kids’ juices, 75 iced teas, 95 types of chips and pretzels, 15 kinds of bottled water, 80 different pain relievers, 40 options for toothpaste, 150 lipsticks, 360 types of shampoo, 90 different cold remedies, 230 soups, 75 instant gravies, 275 varieties of cereal, 64 types of barbeque sauce, and 22 types of frozen waffles.” 

Another reason is that this generation is lazy and the appeal of making a living via social media is both appealing and ridiculous. But I think the main reasons people today can’t figure out God’s will are simply because they are both biblically illterate and obnoxiously selfish. One of the most helpful books about knowing God’s will is written by the well-known evangelical theologian, Kevin DeYoung. In his book, Just Do Something, he gives six biblical commands to live out God’s will. You ready? Here they are. 

Command #1–Don’t worry, seek first His kingdom.

Command #2–Live holy, set apart lives.

Command #3–Always rejoice, pray and give thanks. 

Command #4–Bear fruit and know Him better. 

Command #5–Be filled with the Holy Spirit. 

Command #6–Grow in Christlikeness. 

Pick a path, be bold and JUST DO SOMETHING! 

Pretty simple.