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As believers we are instructed to cultivate deep connection with others. As you read the gospels so much connection happened over "breaking bread",  which in simple terms is sharing a meal with others.

This will be our first Breaking Bread of a series throughout the year. Hosts will provide the main dish and guests will bring a side to share. Sign-up to be a host or guest by clicking the button below. After you sign up you will be paired with others and contacted by your host.

Our desire is provide an opportunity for adults within our church to have deeper conversation and relationships to be built. So to help cultivate that parents who  need childcare can drop kids off before at the church and then head to their meal offsite. 

Children can be dropped off at the church as early as 5:15 pm. Dinner will be provided. We ask that those who are able, give $5 per child, to cover the cost of dinner for your child(ren).

You can pay ahead at the bottom of sign-up form or with cash or check when you drop off.

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